
Lawyer discussing a family trust with his clients

February tax news: Benefits of a family trust and a last call for 2023 RRSPs

THE BENEFITS OF ESTABLISHING A FAMILY TRUST Estate planning is an important consideration for all individuals, irrespective of their level of wealth. Poor planning, or no planning, can result in an excessive proportion of your estate being lost when you die, in the form of either probate fees or taxes, or both. Luckily, there is […]

Ottawa announces prescribed rate loan increase

Canada Revenue Agency prescribed rate increases for Q2 2023

For the fourth consecutive quarter, the Canada Revenue Agency  prescribed rate has increased by a percentage point. The rate used to calculate taxable benefits for shareholders and employees from interest-free and low-interest loans is now 5 per cent—up from 4 per cent in the first quarter of the year—for the period ending June 30th, 2023. The […]

Government of Canada benefits

CRA’s prescribed rate set to increase again in Q4 2022

In the wake of its doubling on July 1st, 2022, the Canada Revenue Agency’s prescribed rate will increase to 3 per cent on October 1st of this year. The rate, which sets interest rates for everything from tax refunds to outstanding tax debts, is currently set at 2 per cent. The prescribed interest rate is determined […]

Canada Revenue Agency prescribed rate

CRA’s prescribed rate set to double on July 1, 2022

A key Canada Revenue Agency tax rate that impacts everything from the interest due on outstanding taxes to interest received on tax refunds, is about to double. The prescribed rate will increase to 2 per cent from the current 1 per cent, effective July 1st, 2022. The rate has remained at 1 per cent since […]